- Build strong habits
- Challenges to battle you're innerbitch and do epic stuff
- Like minded people to conquer obstacles together
For only 30eu a month payed in monero you can become part of it. Why not for free? Because i only want motivated people in the brotherhood. I'm not a trainer or a coach so i'm not gonna motivated you because motivation is crap. You need to be driven and if you are driven nobody have to tell you to go harder because you already go as hard as you want.
You get a discount if you are a Veteran or you can help me out with some nerd stuff.
The brotherhood is a closed Telegram group where i share the challenges and where you can celebrate you're wins or learningmoments.
Why paying in Monero?
Because fuck te banks and the government. If you want to join the brotherhood then send me a message and i explain how futher.