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Pure Bastards ethics.

Pure Bastard

Natural law and anarchy are two concepts that may seem at odds with each other at first glance. Natural law refers to the idea that there are universal laws that govern the behavior of all humans, while anarchy is often associated with a lack of laws or rules. However, a deeper examination of these concepts reveals that they are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Natural law is based on the idea that certain fundamental principles exist in nature and that human beings are subject to these principles. These principles are seen as binding and immutable, and they are often considered to be the foundation of morality and ethics. Natural law theorists argue that these principles can be discovered through reason and observation, and that they can serve as a guide for human behavior.

Anarchy, on the other hand, is often associated with a lack of government or authority. Anarchists believe that individuals should be free to act as they see fit, without interference from external forces. They reject the idea that any institution or authority has the right to impose rules or laws on individuals.

While these two concepts may seem contradictory, they can actually be complementary. Natural law can provide a framework for understanding ethical behavior and can guide individuals in making decisions that are in harmony with the natural world. Anarchy, in turn, can allow individuals to exercise their freedom and creativity in pursuing their goals and aspirations.

In a society that is based on natural law, individuals are free to pursue their own interests and goals, but they are also bound by the principles of justice and morality. This means that they must take responsibility for their actions and the consequences of those actions. They cannot simply act in their own self-interest without regard for others or the natural world.

Anarchy can provide a means for individuals to exercise their freedom and creativity, but it must be tempered by the principles of natural law. Without these principles, anarchy can easily lead to chaos and conflict. When individuals are free to act without regard for others or the natural world, they can easily create problems for themselves and for others.

So how can natural law and anarchy be reconciled? One approach is to recognize that natural law provides a foundation for ethical behavior, while anarchy provides a means for individuals to exercise their freedom and creativity. By combining these two concepts, we can create a society that is based on mutual respect, cooperation, and ethical behavior.

In such a society, individuals would be free to pursue their own goals and aspirations, but they would also be bound by the principles of justice and morality. They would be encouraged to exercise their creativity and freedom, but they would also be responsible for the consequences of their actions. The result would be a society that is both dynamic and stable, based on the principles of natural law and the values of anarchy.

In conclusion, natural law and anarchy may seem at odds with each other, but they can actually be complementary. Natural law provides a foundation for ethical behavior, while anarchy provides a means for individuals to exercise their freedom and creativity. By combining these two concepts, we can create a society that is both dynamic and stable, based on mutual respect, cooperation, and ethical behavior.

Pure Bastards live by the natural law what means ¨don´t kill, don´t steel, don´t force and cause no damage but they are aible to protect what they love and will provide the community, futher they are their own leader and take ownership about their behavior.

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